Smart Start-Up Express


"The no frills approach to starting your own detailing business now!"

Showing you what to do, what not to do, and how to do it on a shoestring budget.




Smart Start-Up:

Start Simple. Start Smart. Start Now.


The simplest, fastest, and easiest way to test drive your own detailing business before sinking a ton of time, money, and effort into something that proves not to be the best fit for you and your world…and make sure you get paid doing it!

Maybe you already know you want a smarter way to start


Yes Darren, I do want a smarter way!

There's a Problem

A problem nobody talks about. A problem nobody addresses. A problem you don't even know is a problem.

How could you - you are a beginner. That's the nature of being a beginner - you don't even know what you don't know.

But a problem nonetheless and a problem that can be summarized with a single question:


"Will a detailing business be a good fit for you and your life?"


And that's the problem. You can't know. Not yet, anyways.

The Other Problem

Yes, there is a second problem.

A problem most of us have. Having big dreams with little to no money!


  • You know you want to start.

  • You know you want to fire your boss.

  • You know money is tight.

If all those are true, then more thinking about it is not going to get you started.


It is your life, right?

The Other Problem

Yes, there is a second problem.

A second problem that actually makes the first problem a problem to begin with. (stay with me here, I promise you will understand)

The other problem that sits above the fist problem is that you have already decided that a detailing business is for you.

Afterall, you have come to certain conclusions:

  • You love cars.

  • You love cleaning cars.

  • You love shiny cars.

  • You love shining cars.

  • You simply LOVE detailing!


If all those are true, then a detailing business seems like the obvious choice.

Only doing it is doing it:

  • Talking about it is not doing it.
  • Planning for it is not doing it.
  • Dreaming about it is not doing it.
  • Naming it is not doing it.

Only doing it, is doing it! 

NIKE has had the answer for decades. Who knew we have all been walking and running around with the answer strapped to our feet?

Just Do It!

And if doing it is the only way to know it, why not do it in a way that is smarter.

Welcome To SMART!

  • Showing you only what you need to do.

  • Showing you all the things you don't need to do.

  • Showing you a step-by-step action plan to getting your first three paying customers.

  • All done on a shoestring budget!


"The simplest, fastest, and easiest way to test drive your own detailing business before sinking a ton of time, money, and effort into something that might not be for you."

Highlights Of This Course

  • Gets you started now - traditional startups are full of red-tape, hurdles, and obstacles that suck the life out of beginners.
  • Keeps things simple - simplicity in itself is a great motivator!
  • Products and tools - only shop what you need and nothing more.
  • Step-by-step process - this keeps you on track.
  • My professional scripts and templates - you don't have to figure any of this it out for yourself! 
  • Step-by-step plans for getting your first 3 customers. (yes, there is more than one plan)
  • Making sure you get paid - just because you're a beginner doesn't mean you have to give your work away just to get experience.

Your Guaranteed Outcome

In very simple terms there really is only one true guarantee in life: 

"Doing the same today, will guarantee you the same tomorrow."

In more specific terms, these are the outcomes you can expect by following my Smart Start-up:

1. You will have answered the most fundamental question to reveal your path moving forward:

Is detailing as a business really a good fit for me and my life?

2. You will avoid future regret by not taking action now:

Regrets last a lifetime. Do you really want another day, week, or year going by and you remain living the same life you are currently living, wondering if a detailing business would have changed your life for the better?

3. You will avoid all soul-sucking, time-consuming, de-motivating steps built into most traditional start-ups:

Most detail start-up plans are little more than a generic business plan that has simply been re-worded, re-labeled, and re-branded to "fit" into the world of detailing. My Smart Start-Up is as innovative as is my professional detailing business. (If I had followed traditional rules of detailing, Auto Fetish Detail never would have become the efficient, lean, profitable machine that I built it to be.)

4. Conclusion:

In the end, you might find a hundred different reasons why detailing as a business is the perfect fit for you - this is what happened to me. Or you may actually find a hundred different reasons why detailing as a business is not what you thought it would be.

"Only by doing it, can you know it. Only when you know it, can you choose it."


There are good ways and there are smarter ways.

I Choose Smart, Darren

Why People Trust Darren?

Real people. Real Reviews.

Darren's Note: In the spirit of transparency, I have left all reviews as written by the real people. This means any typos or grammatical errors remain intact.

"Hi Darren.

I am a mobile detailer out of SW Florida. I have been up and running now for 2 months and for lack of a better term, have been doing things and running my business based exactly on what I have learned from you almost to the tee. From products and techniques to handling customer expectations. I have been nothing short of a runaway hit. I made back my initial 2K investment in this business in 10 days. I, like you, live in a very affluent area where the cars are nice and so rates can be higher because people have the money. I wanted to thank you so much. I've never had this freedom, or income before. Being able to provide for my wife and kids on my own has so far been a great experience. No joke man, I have been your guinea pig. No water tank, no power, no pressure. Keep it simple and minimal and I never believe the hype. I get to start my business today and get your experience and not have to maybe go through 20 years of learning curves. You've figured out what works and I am able to apply that from day one. Forever grateful."



"I absolutely understand you man! And let me say that you give plenty back to this world. You've inspired me so much over the last year with your videos to actually take action in making something I love doing provide me that little extra money I need to get by. From all your product recommendations to your clever tips and tricks to your motivation to do things the right way, you express nothing but pure knowledge and I am so very grateful."



"I have had a computer business for nearly 20 years. In recent times there have been more and more regulations in my business and I've gotten tired of it. So I have decided to follow my love of cars and do a 180 and go into mobile detailing. Finding all kinds of videos and forums out there. I have found yours to be one of the most helpful. You show your experience so well that is very helpful. In the computer biz my clients have told me I am one of the best. I have more computer biz than I can handle but at the end of the day in this field everything becomes an emergency or it's hard to make everyone happy. Once they lose their document there is no way for me to bring it back even after I fix their system so they were mad when they brought me their computer and they are still mad when they picked it up. In auto detailing it just never seems that way. People see their car after I am done and go wow look at that and give me a tip. I'm just loving it. Seeing all of your videos and information on your web site, I find that you're one of the few that is truly on top of their game. I do read the detailing forums out there and a lot of the time I leave the forums just as confused as I went in. Most of these guys just don't seem to have a clue. Anyways I'll stop rambling on and I just wanted to say Thank You!"
-M. Wilhelm


"Hello, I have read the information on your website and watched your videos multiple times. I started doing interior mobile detailing for money 4 years ago on the side, but always loved detailing everything since I was a teenager. I was never fully confident with it, until I started watching your videos. It was taking me so long to get jobs done and some products just didn't work. Then I started trying out your techniques and products. And Wow!! You are my one stop shop for everything, and everything you suggested and do, works!!! I spent so much time watching other people's videos and was left with pure confusion. I am so thankful for you and all your information. You explain everything so well, that I'm never left with questions. I just want to say thank you! You are helping me make my dreams come true!"
Sabrina S.


"I have to say, I stumbled on your YouTube channel the other day and have been watching the videos almost non-stop since then!
As someone who is looking into going into the auto detailing business, I want to thank you for your awesome tips and tricks!
No question here - just wanted to thank you for the time you spend making the videos and the website, people like me absolutely LOVE having a reliable resource like this!"
-Chris N.


"I just wanted to say thank you for the great videos and information. I am in the final stages of getting ready to start a mobile detailing business and was starting to feel overwhelmed by all the opinions, products, and processes, and that feeling that I'm 'not ready'. Your videos, explaining how simple it can all be, and that I don't have to have every piece of equipment and product that people seem to insist I need, gave me a bit more confidence that I can do this. The thing that really hit me was when I read your page about starting a business and the two points you emphasized were the two things that were beginning to paralyze me 1)that I will never fully feel ready, and 2)there is no one or perfect way to do anything. That advice from someone who is clearly successful in the business I want to get into, was exactly what I needed to hear. I will be building my 'portfolio' over the next couple weeks and then I will be taking the plunge and going for it.

Thanks again!"

-Melinda F.

Industry Expert, Innovator, and Influencer

Who is Darren Priest

Business Owner

  • Started Auto fetish Detail in 1988 (one-man operation)
  • Grew to (4) self-contained, mobile unit crews servicing Orange County, CA.
  • Opened wholesale/retail brick and mortar location.
  • 7 full-time employees, 3 part-time employees.
  • YouTube channel creator: Auto Fetish Detail and Detail Darren.
  • Website Creator and Developer: 
  • Detailer to Industry Names:
    • Gibson Exhaust (Aftermarket Exhaust Systems)
    • Xenon (Specialty Equipment Manufacturer)
    • TSW Wheels (Aftermarket Performance Wheels)
    • Lexani Wheels (Aftermarket Performance Wheels)
    • C.W. Moss (FORD Restoration Parts)
    • Erion Racing (AMA)
    • Cory McClenathan (NHRA)
    • Phillip's Auto (Wholesale/Retail Car Sales)
    • Exclusive Motors (Mercedes/Lexus Auto Repair)
    • Xlnt Tint (Auto, Commercial, Residential Tint, Security, Graffiti Film)

Companies who have relied on Darren and his expertise for product development, equipment development, marketing campaigns, industry influencer:

Darren has also innovated tools and techniques that have become mainstream in the world of professional detailing:

My Promises

My promises to you are simple:

- I am a real person with real answers. 

- I have built what you want to build. 

- I am showing you how to do it on a shoestring budget


"Where you are, I once was. Where I am, you may become"


Here is What You Are Going to Get When You Enroll

Smart Startup: The Unconventional Plan

Learning, development, organization, and implementation of you and your business broken down into a 4 module step-by-step road map you will follow:

  • Leaning from my early days of "hard knocks"
  • Being a beginner doesn't have to be a bad thing
Module 1: The Unconventional Plan
  • What will do to get started 
  • What you won't do that will save time, aggravation and fast track you forward 
Module 2: Preparation: You and Your Business
  • Developing you as a beginner to operate like a professional
  • Breaking rules to keep your life simple
  • Organize your business
  • Your Products and Tools
Module 3: Getting Your FIrst 3 Customers
  • The Special Offer Proposal
  • Your (2) marketing campaigns
Module 4: Time to Operate
  • Final Organization
  • Test run your system for success

 One Time Payment of $197.00


Darren, I want a different tomorrow so I am taking action today!

Smart Start-Up Express: $197.00

I Want It Now

You've Got Questions!

Will You Be Alive in a Year?

A morbid question for most people, but play along for a moment.

I am going to show you a game I play with myself as well as my kids. I call it the "Do you think you will be alive in a year from now" game I use for problem solving.

Every time I ask anyone this question I get the same answer 100% of the time. So I will ask you:

"Do you think you will be alive a year from now? 


Which is a very good answer. Which then leads me to the very next question:

"Do you want to be in the same place in a year that you are now?"

In virtually all cases, I get the same answer: NO!

Which leads me to one of my favorite sayings: 

"If you wanna make a change, you gotta make a change!"

Something so obvious and simple that we completely overlook, but yet remains so valid.

Change requires action. No action, no change. 

No change today and the only change for next year is that you will be a year older.


The 5 Things Darren's Students Like Best

  • Developed by a real expert (that's me) who has built the very thing you want to build.
  • A step-by-step guide students get to follow that removes the guesswork.
  • The actual scripts developed by Darren that students get to copy and use to produce the wanted response.
  • Video tutorials that explain things that remove the fear and worry of most beginners.

What If….

Do I offer a money back guarantee if you change your mind later?


So let me also help you ask questions you don't know to ask and do so with the same honest and candid fashion I do everything:

If you can answer yes to any of these questions, this course is not for you:

❌ You are a price shopper (there are plenty of cheaper courses to help you fail slowly)

❌ You are a fence sitter in life (you agonize over decisions and rarely come to a final conclusion) 

❌ You haven't learned that any significant change in your future always requires work!

❌ You still think there is a "secret" way to avoid basic hard work and persistence.

❌ You secretly like your current life despite how unfulfilling it is because it is the safer way.

The material of this course comes directly from my 35+ years of professional detailing. Once you have access to all the digital content there's no putting that "genie" back into the bottle.

I want in Darren!